Solve People Problems FAST


Or We Pay You $200!
Program starts  11th May
Our Early Bird offer - expires April 30th
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Over 10 years of Proven Results,
Helping 1000's of Individuals. 
Business Success Starts Here!!

The MindsetGym onRamp

Better Business Relationshipsmore Profitable Outcomes.
  • Make more MONEY by working ON not IN Your Business
  • Have Control over your Business and NOT feel Controlled by it
  • ​Gain ENERGY by finding CLARITY around your vision
  • ​Save TIME by Removing Workplace drama
When I realised my hurdles did not exist I was able to make a decision that has meant I'm on track to make well over a million dollars profit in the next three years, that’s on top of the income I was already making. 
- Travis McFarlane

Business can be hard enough, add people to the mix and it can be even harder. In the MindsetGYM onRAMP, access a simple, groundbreaking code to bring clarity & structure, making relationship challenges that have weighed you & your business down feel like child’s play. - InspireTribe

How much Money are you Loosing

every month 5k, 10k, 50k?

  • If all the business owners were on the same page, how much extra money could I make?
  • If I guided and mentored my team better how much extra income could I generate?
  • If I had time to work on my business instead of in my business what financial impact could this create?
  • ​How much money is lost by team members not being aware of their impact on clients?
  • ​How much time is wasted due to people drama in my business?

Whats the Cost to you Emotionally?

Daily Stress, Long Term Anxieties?

  • How happy are you with your most important relationships?
  • How high are your energy levels at work and home?
  • ​How relaxed do you feel on a day by day basis?
  • ​How happy are you with the amount of time you invest in work each week?
  • ​How happy are you with the clients you are currently attracting?

Solve People Problems FAST

Achieve more Financially and Emotionally

Opportunities for Profit

How much Money are you Loosing every month 5k, 10k, 50k?

  • Get all business owners on the same page
  • Work on your business instead of in your business
  • ​Less people drama and more productivity

Improve your Relationships

Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Gain Time and Energy.

  • Foster positive family and work relationships
  • Feel more relaxed and increase your energy levels
  • ​Elevate your sense of achievement in work and life

Your Money back if you are not Satisfied!

We Stand by our Work 100%

Program starts  11th May
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Limited Time $3995 $2495  - Save $1500 with our Early Bird offer - expires April 30th
This has enabled both personal and professional benefits with even more engagement in my role and better decision making.
- Matt Elshaug, NAB Melbourne
To sit together as a team and be challenged to think openly about the finer points of how and why we approach day to day interactions and situations has been very rewarding. Our team is certainly a closer unit due to the success of the program.
- James Miller, Frankston
My family life has never been better and I am consistently behaving as the person, manager and friend that I want to be.
- Matt Ivers, Vision Property and Finance
Meet Your Mindset Coaches
Together they have helped 1000s of Individuals for over a 10 years giving them 
Nikk and Yolande are a team, in life AND in business. Their speciality –solving people problems fast!

These women are masters in the art of uniting people to move business, life and the world forward.

They also know firsthand if you and a close partner can't agree or have friction, tensions rise, people get hurt and EVERYTHING can stop, including growing a PROFITABLE business!

That’s why are thrilled to bring the onRAMP and subsequent MindsetGYM program to business owners and leaders alike.

Their passion is to unblock, educate and inspire both couples and talented individuals to notice, uncover and work with the knowledge that those many 'patterns' that hold us back, are solvable and can be fixed.

In fact through their EQ code this can be done effortlessly!
Using the InspireTribe EQ Code, the mentoring is grounded in simple yet powerful insights that unlock the synergy created through enhanced, deeper relationships.
- Jason Apps – Arms Reliability
Proudly Inspiring
This is without doubt the best investment I have ever made in myself. Nikk continues to be an amazing coach and the positive impact on my life and relationships has been well beyond my wildest expectations. Best decision I’ve made in a long time.
- Geoff Craig
The understanding I have gained around myself and my relationships have helped me find an inner strength that had been diminished for some time. Facing some of the biggest challenges in my life, I feel as though I am much more equipped than ever before to face them, grow from them and move into a more fulfilled future.
- Vanessa Babuin - Perera
I've tried and read quite a few things but nothing has helped me as much as the coaching with Nikk & Yolande. They have come up with a system The EQCode that really unpacks a new way of approaching life. Invaluable work, highly recommend.
- Dale Godfredson

The MindsetGYM onRamp Program

Powered by The EQ Code. 

Limited Time $3995 $2495  - Save $1500 with our Early Bird offer - expires April 30th

Program Overview

8 Weeks of LIVE Weekly Sessions

• Choose a time that suits or come to both

Bonus Extras

• Welcome Pack
• Recordings of all sessions, extra satellite videos to build learnings
• Access to an Exclusive Facebook Group

Optional Weekly Tasks

A mixture of worksheets and practical implementation.
Then the option to be WELCOMED as a member into our MindsetGYM to APPLY these skills and be part of a COMMUNITY of like-minded individuals.

Course Modules

8 Hours to Transform Your Business Mindset

Week 1


Frustrated with tedious conversations? Struggling to understand how people interpret the events as they do? It’s a complex world out there. Create instant relaxation & change your perspective forever with this session’s insight.

Week 2


This week creates a profoundly powerful way to simplify how you see life. Use these new tools to cut down overwhelm, build connection, and keep yourself as the top priority!

Week 3


See people more clearly and in sharper focus than ever before, multiply your empathy and connection skills and happily enjoy solving complex people problems with a new set of eyes.

Week 4


Share, contrast and review your application thus far in order to access deeper levels of insight.

Week 5


A simple step by step formula to understand what drives you and those around you. Gain insight into how to develop deep trust in yourself and move forward swiftly, with self-confidence & charisma.

Week 6


Tired of overreacting? We all get stuck at times. This Growth Framework is a life changing tool that will support you to become the business leader who thrives in the ever evolving landscape of the modern world.

Week 7


A transformational session where you learn exactly how to consciously use logic AND intuition to become a certain yet empathetic decision maker and someone who creates more and more freedom.

Week 8


Review the pieces and discover how to go deeper, wider, higher and faster!

What Makes Our Work Different?

The EQ Code and Why it Works.

The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd

  • A simple framework to easily solve complex people problems
  • A communication code for business & life that loosens relationship knots
  • ​A system for effortless and rapid personal evolution
The EQ Code is a hyperlogical framework designed to maximise leadership growth and minimise relationship friction in the workplace. The EQ Code incorporates symbols as an intuitive and easily embedded foundation of emotional evolution (Mindset).

Unlike words, symbols paint a picture within our minds. Each symbol has a single, known meaning that does not allow our minds to manipulate or play with the meaning to suit our personal biases. People cannot distort the meaning of the symbol – so removing the triggers that cause all people problems.

The EQ Code provides individuals and groups an underlying logic that guides them through any emotional, relational or social challenge. We use this framework as part of our tailored coaching program to help people to master their mindset – to see, feel and act through totally new thought paradigms that change patterns of behaviour. It helps people to consciously and consistently expand the way they think and react, to enable effective communication outcomes within even the most diverse of relationships.

The EQ Code dissolves the fundamental people problem, that of human bias and misalignment. Once dissolved, business transformation becomes effortless. It’s that simple.

Solving People Problems for 1000s of Individuals

Creating More Time, Money & Energy for Leaders and Individuals for over a 10 years.


Throughout this program I had many insights & significant shifts. I now understand how to find and fix the underlying challenges within myself so I can bring about a whole new set of behaviours that are based on choice, not reaction. 
- Kym Anderton, Director, Enhanced Myotherapy
I am no longer that guy that walked in on day one.  These days, instead of just trying to stay afloat I feel like I am skiing behind a wonderfully fast boat! The EQcode has shown me how to get to the core cause of any inaction I experience and has also given me the thinking strategies to improve my internal energy levels so I can drive external growth. 
- Michael Robertson, Regional Managing Director at EntrustDatacard
I took ownership & steps in the right direction & in a very short period of time I felt a sense of strength, happiness & satisfaction.  I started to make decisions that I felt were right & I stopped procrastinating about every decision or move I made. I invested in myself, & I started to blossom! 
- Melissa Newsome, Exceptional Business Consulting Group, Gold Coast
Sandra – Professional Services - AUS 
“Now I feel empowered…. it’s a real gift…I’ve never done anything like it”
Carol – Product Development – NZ
“Taking 100% responsibility for my feelings gave me a lot more power” 
Huia – Payroll
“I feel better about myself so I feel better at work” 
Martin – Team Development
“It has been a really positive team building experience for me”
Rudolf – Development
"Benefits the company and the individual as it provides more clarity and openness to move as one with less distraction, this leads to increased productivity and happiness for all."
Vanessa – Professional Services
“Our people have become better versions of themselves”
”People are happier.. which resulted in greater productivity and teamwork”
Paul – Application Support
“Shows how much Affinity really value their staff, shows they really care and we are not just a number”
Klaus – Affinity
"Communication is more straightforward and relaxed which is beneficial for the whole company"
My work life has taken a big shift for the better.  The direction feels so much more congruent & inspiring.  The most amazing thing about this last 6 months is that key people have totally changed the way they interact with me. It’s because I’ve done the same in a myriad of little ways, but it’s nothing short of spectacular the change that it has brought.
- Gina Kenah, Associate Director, Collingwood
I no longer feel I need to put up a front and be what someone else expects me to be. Because of this I have this feeling of freedom and happiness within myself and I am able to share it with those around me without feeling drained.
- Rachelle Hubery, Mornington Peninsula
Each session is both focused and fun, direct and honest. With the EQcode I have gained valuable insight into self and how my mind works and strategies to move beyond what I thought was possible. 
- Bettina Pfannkuch, The Art of Balance – Yoga & Massage
The transformation that began to unfold through these sessions was in two words Life Changing.
- Sharon – Trainer, Frankston
All the staff have noticed how happy my patients are when they leave and also how much busier I am becoming.
- Fiona – Health Professional, South East Melbourne
Now instead of repeating the wasted years of ruminating and driving myself crazy, I am able to move quickly into a more useful, productive way of feeling and thinking.
- Kim, Tyabb
I must say I’m blown away with how much we’ve covered and the positive affect it’s having on my life.
- Ian Dawson, Telstra
By just tweaking a few everyday processes within my business and coupling this with a number of subtle yet powerful mindset shifts that the EQcode helped me to make, my business outlook changed immediately and within a short period of time, I have benefited significantly both personally and professionally.
- Michael Baker, Director, Zenibaker Architects
Within a few short months, I feel strong, confident & congruent with where I’m heading.  The action taken at work is now focussed and results orientated.  And as an unexpected addition, the quality of my relationships has improved.
- Tom Karamzalis, Soda Property Group
I am more connected to myself and my potential, am experiencing more clarity and confidence in my decisions, my relationship has gone to the next level and I am enjoying a level of financial freedom I’ve never had before.
- Kendall Monk – Owner, Mornington Peninsula
You may be already highly successful, but you know deep down you could improve. The written word cannot in any way display the positive impact this has had on my life, but what’s more important the ripple effects it will have on my wonderful wife and children for generations to come, 
- Scott Baker – Director Operations, Twin Towers Trading
This mindset shift has changed the way I view many things and experiences in my life and I think about my investment in mentoring as an investment in myself!
- Tanvi Chalke, Sandhurst

Frequently Asked Questions

We have your Answers!

Is this onRAMP program for me?
If you want to improve your business mindset and create for yourself more TIME, MONEY and ENERGY then YES this program is for you!
Are there payment options?
We take full payment but a 2 payment option is available on request.
Is there a money back guarantee?
Yes, if you are not satisfied let us know and we will give you back 100% of your money plus $200!
What if I miss a session?
No problem, all sessions will be recorded for you to watch at your own leisure.
How much time do I need to invest weekly for additional learning?
At the end of every session there are thinking concepts to take into your daily life to be aware of and to practice through your normal activities – so no ‘time’ is required. If you’d like to go further faster, there will be additional resources to watch and complete but these are not compulsory!
How many intakes are there every year?
There are 4 intakes into the onRAMP and also 4 intakes into the MindsetGYM every year.
Can I bring on my team to do the onRAMP separately as a company?
The short answer is Yes! if you have more than 10 team members joining, we can run a private onRAMP specific to your company or you to chat to us about a bulk discount.
Can I join the MindsetGYM without completing the ONRamp program first?
No, we’re afraid not. The onRAMP is a prerequisite for the MindsetGYM as the foundational tools are taught here, then utilised in more mature ways in the MindsetGYM.

Still have Questions? Contact us.

Solve People Problems FAST


Or We Pay You $200!
Ready to get Started?

  • Register: Just submit your name and email address to get started!
  • Look out for us in your inbox: We reach out over email to organise a time with you for your Free 30 minute consultation.
  • Your consultation: We introduce you to the EQ code and demonstrate how the program can deliver results.
  • Join the onRamp Program: After the consultation, we provide you with details about our services, the program and required investment.
Program starts  11th May
Limited Time $3995 $2495  - Save $1500 with 
our Early Bird offer - expires April 30th
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